Our mission. To change our flooring from this nasty, curling-at-the-edges, stained-in-weird-places linoleum to beautiful new tile!
Well, a project that I foolishly estimated should take 8 to 10 hours has now taken 3 to 4 days! Not to mention that after two days of tiling our kitchen and downstairs bathroom our knees were begging us NEVER to do this again. However, the end result is very nice.
New terms/words I learned throughout this "little home improvement project":
Butane powered nail gun
These are a pair of knees that will be crying tomorrow.
Laying the tile at top the "thin-set."Again something I didn't know about 'til we started working.
Hayden paying a visit to check out the fun. This is her "waking-from-a-nap, what-you-talkin'-'bout-Willis" look.
Tiling into the night.
The very loud wet-saw to cut the tiles...still removing red dirt from the garage.
Day 2: Grouting
It took tons of self control not to cry as I spread black mud onto our new floor.
Yes, even I helped.
F.Y.I. If you leave a toilet out in the garage (parts and all) for more than a week in the middle of winter the plastic parts will rot.
Wow!! It looks great! I have a couple of bathrooms I'd like done in Athens...are you guys for hire???? Love you tons and miss you too!!!
I can't wait to see the finished product! The pictures so far look great!
This is freaking sweet... Homemaking at it's finest. Sounds like a lot of fun but also mucho hard work for todo el mundo. Yo me gustaria una casa. That's awesome. I'm waiting for pictures of the "produit finale." I am moving into a new place at the end of this month. maybe my new roommate will let me do this to his place.
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