Tuesday, April 12, 2011


It may have a lot to do with my current interests, but it seems to me that everywhere I look nowadays family and parenting advice is at the center of our society's dialog. From sitcoms and dramatic shows such as Modern Family and Parenthood to book upon book, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother and Sheparding a Child's Heart, it's hard to swing a stick without hitting a medium that's telling me how to raise a child in today's society. And after watching said shows and reading book after book on parenting I have never been more overwhelmed and paralyzed about raising a child.

I think of my self as a planner, but I will research and plan until I am blue in the face only to flub the execution, the follow-through, the opening night, if you will. I know this about myself and I am working to correct this fault but it would seem a little too late or maybe not.

Thankfully, as parents we are still in the snuggling and cuddling phase when everything is soft baby coo's, sweet smiles and naptimes. But, in the back of my mind I sit crouched like a "Tiger mother" ready to pounce on disobedient behavior in order that I may "prepare [him] for the future" through "letting [him] see what [he] is capable of, and arming [him] with skills, work habits and inner confidence that no one can take away", while simultaneously helping him "unmask sin and help him understand how it reflects a heart that has strayed" and is in need of the cross of Christ.
But, for now, while we are in this first lovely phase of parenthood, we will continue to snuggle, cuddle and generally enjoy our son while also praying, reading and preparing for the day when the "No's" begin. God has given us this precious gift and we are grateful He hasn't dropped it in our laps only to walk away with a wink and a smile. He has ordained every day of Mac's life and has hemed him in behind and before. Thankfully, this ordained hem of protection even includes Mac's assignment to easily confused parents. God promises protection despite my imperfections. I cannot forget that I too am a child of God, one who was not hidden from Him while being made in the secret place, woven together in the depths of the earth. He will guide us parenting flubs and all, and it is in Him we trust as He gently teaches us each and every day what it looks like to follow through when raising a child in today's culture.

I gotta run, someone is up from his nap.


Unknown said...

Wow, your ability to express yourself in writing is amazing! you are amazing! Thanks for sharing!

ashley said...

Love you so much.

Jessica said...

this is such a great post. I agree with Laura, you can articulate your thoughts so well. I found myself saying, "yes" over and over again in agreement with your words. So thankful, as you said, that the Lord does not leave us alone on this journey and that He is the one, despite our continual failures, who is committed to bring forth His will in each of these precious little lives. Encouraging post to say the least.

The Whelans said...

So true, Jamie! And in trying to train my children to look to the cross, I go there more than ever myself. Being a mother is a school in sanctification every day. I'm so thankful that the Holy Spirit is working in me, through me, and many times in spite of me in this journey of raising children to love and fear the Lord.