Monday, May 26, 2008

Round and Round

Today we were given the church-planters tour of Edmonton. This is a little different than the typical vacationers tour. Very few tour attractions made the list. Every subburb made the list. We got on the perimeter highway and did a full circle of the city. Stopping at every little subburban home spread and drove around. Not exactly thrilling, but it did give us a good feel for where the people live and for the lack of churches in the area. After a couple of hours we stopped at a Tim Horton's for coffee and doughnuts. This was our only tour attraction of the morning. I really didn't know Tim Horton's was a tourist attraction. After eating there, I'm still not entirely sure it counts as a tourist attraction. Nevertheless, we were told that we "needed" to eat there. We did. It's alright.
After noon, we did a few more typical things. The largest mall in North America is in Edmonton. It's a little embarassing to say, but we went. It was impressive, but I have no real desire to go again. It's basically a regular mall that takes up four city blocks, has several roller coasters, a wave pool, a sea-world-style sea lion show, and an imax theatre.Later we finally drove into the city. The city was very nice. Unfortunately we didn't get to spend a lot of time there. The city has an incredible amount of green space. The North Sascatchewan River runs through the city. Each side of the river is curbed by park area. There is a paved bike trail that runs the length of the city. Jamie and I are hoping to get a chance to ride on the trail a little tomorrow.

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